Terms And Condition
Participant Information
• You must complete & return the enclosed All Forms.
• You must be 18 years of age or over to participate in a CCHC clinic.
• You must supply a copy of the negative Coggins Report (all horses) and Health Certificate (out of state horses) to the host facility before you unload your horse.
DEPOSIT: $1000.00 Deposit is due at the time you make your reservation
FINAL PAYMENT: Your final payment is due 45 days out from the first date of the clinic. Note: All clinic deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Clinic hours: 9 am to 5 pm each day Monday – Friday. 9am to 3 pm - Saturday. Saturday is a clinic day! Please do not plan to leave early! We usually finish up around 3 pm on Saturday.
If you plan on staying overnight on Saturday night (last day of the clinic) or are planning on arriving early, please call the office and let us know! There is an extra night fee charged as follows: Bunkhouse $35.00 (per person/per night); Stall Fee $25.00 per night; Hookup Fee $20.00 per night. You may pay the extra night fees on Saturday when you check out.
RV Hookups are available on the ranch at $20.00 per night. Be sure to let us know if you prefer an RV Hookup. Hookups are water and electric.
Spectators/Auditors are welcome at a cost of $35 a day and may not bring horses to the clinic.
Clinic Info:
6-day clinics on the ranch are all inclusive
• Rope Halter & 13-foot Lead Rope these are available for sale at the clinic.
• Riding Boots with flat leather soles and proper riding heels are best.
• NO videotaping is permitted during any part of the clinic. This includes the use of any type of recording device, including cell phones.
• Still photos are allowed.
• NO SMOKING is permitted on the ranch! This includes no smoking in your vehicle, the bunkhouse, barns, porches, etc. If you need a smoke break, please leave the ranch to smoke. We appreciate your cooperation!
• NO DOGS are permitted on the ranch unless he is a certified service dog. Page 4 Please call the office and let us know if you are bringing your service dog.
• The course requires a horse that you are comfortable riding at a walk, trot and canter on a loose rein.
• At times, you will be riding outside the arena so you need to be comfortable riding in these situations. Note: Green Broke horses are not suitable for this type of clinic.
• This is a group clinic and your horse needs to be reasonable manageable. Individual assistance will be given as needed and up to a certain amount without interfering with the progression of the group session.
• The number of participant spots are limited so each rider can expect to get individual feedback throughout the clinic, as well as benefit from the feedback Chris will give others. You are a secure and confident rider and you also enjoy riding for several hours at a time. If you are not at this level then we recommend auditing the clinic.
• If you are renting a ranch clinic horse – saddle, tack, stall, feed and hay are included. You are responsible for the care and maintenance of your rental horse and the maintenance of its stall. Buckets, shovels, etc. are provided.
• You will need to arrive at the ranch on Sunday afternoon between 2 pm and 6 pm – the day before the clinic begins. Dinner is not served on Sunday night.
The Horsemanship Clinics are progressive. The knowledge and skills learned will build each day and the techniques and methods taught are fundamentals of Chris Cox’s program. These are practical and effective techniques which you can use every day to communicate with your horse.
To be prepared you may want to view Chris’s DVD Groundwork in Preparation for Riding & Correct Riding before attending your horsemanship clinic. This program will assist you with the terminology and what will be expected from Chris and his qualified instructors.
Come prepared and ready to learn with an open mind. Please inform us on any physical problems or disabilities that will hinder you and your horses’ ability, prior to attending the clinic.
Please sign and return a copy of this agreement with your release forms. I have read and understand the Participant Information associated with attending a Chris Cox Horsemanship Clinic at the Diamond Double C Ranch in Mineral Wells, TX I understand that my deposit and final payments are non-refundable and nontransferable. If I have to cancel I agree to notify Chris Cox Horsemanship as soon as possible. I understand that I will be given a “rollover” credit of all monies paid to be used towards a future Chris Cox Clinic held within 12 months at no additional charge.
This writing signed and executed as of this date of confirms that the undersigned has agreed to be photographed, filmed and/or videotaped by Chris Cox Horsemanship Company (the “Production Company”) and its successors and that the Production Company will own any and all rights in said photography, filming and/or videotaping and the undersigned now waives, as to the Production Company and its successors, assigns and licensees, all personal right and objections to any use to be made of such photography, filming or videotaping of the undersigned, the undersigned’s name or the undersigned’s personality in connection with the use of the photography, filming or videotaping containing likeness of the undersigned for any and all motion picture, radio and/or television purposes, and performances thereof, accompanied by any narration and dialogue whatsoever, and the publicity in connection therewith, and/or any other trade and advertising purposes. The undersigned hereby represents that the undersigned understands that in proceeding with said photography, filming, or videotaping, the Production Company will do so in full reliance on the foregoing permission.
Participant Waiver
I understand that I am expected to use my assigned stall and shall provide the necessary care to my personal horse(s) or my rental horse(s) and its equipment.
I understand that I am to supply my own feed for my personal horse(s).
I have and can provide a Negative Coggins Test for my horse and other applicable health papers required.
I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for any loss or injury done to or caused by my personal horse/rental horse or myself and shall hold Chris Cox Horsemanship Company harmless from any loss, cost or expense.
Under certain laws, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of a participant, in equine activities resulting from the inherent risk of equine activities.
I agree to and understand the instructions and responsibilities assumed by me, and release Chris Cox Horsemanship Company and Chris Cox, Instructor, employees, volunteers, or ranch helpers from any liability involving my horse, myself, or injury to or caused by other participants.
I understand that rider helmets are recommended but not required and are not provided by Chris Cox Horsemanship Company. I elect to participate and ride with or without a helmet. I have read and understand the meaning of this release.